About ME

Authored by GRandom on

The sole purpose of publishing "Random Tyms" is to provide quality content - about really random topics only at relevant times.

The sole purpose of publishing "Random Tyms" is to provide quality content - about really random topics only at relevant times.

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

Who am I ? Ganga Ponnu 👧.
What is This ? Forgive me. My Random Blog.
Where am I ? Singara Chennai, TamilNadu, India.
When do I blog ? @RandomTyms.
Why do I blog? Blogging = My PASSION.


The sole purpose of publishing "Random Tyms" is to provide quality content - about reaaally random topics only at relevant times. All I aim to accomplish is, keep my readers thoroughly engaged.
Let's enjoy a happy living Online. If you ever want to talk back to me, I'm here.


Beginner Blogger?
My best advice to you - Write, write, write. Keep writing your good original ideas - Be real, be honest and keep at it!.
If you keep working on your site to make it the best it can get, you may soon get branded as the Best Blogger around. All the Best.