Easy Fix 1 - Blogger BlogId and PostId Structured Data Errors

Authored by GRandom on

World's first AMP Blogger

World's first AMP Blogger

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

 Page contains property "blogid" which is not part of the schema.
 Page contains property "postid" which is not part of the schema.

These are common errors returned when Bloggers test their markup with Google's Schema Testing Tool. These properties, blogId and postId are not recognized as schema properties. However these errors may not cause any issue for displaying Rich Snippets.

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Blogger Template: Add Twitter Cards

Authored by GRandom on

World's first AMP Blogger

World's first AMP Blogger

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

Want your Twitter audience to Click, Open and Read your blog post, Sign up for your Email list - Straight from a single Tweet? Give them rich media experiences, not just a tweet’s standard 140-character written message. Implement Twitter Cards in your Blogger Template.

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Cashless Society India: Why do we need to be one?

Authored by GRandom on

World's first AMP Blogger

World's first AMP Blogger

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

NEWS - The Prime Minister of India on Tuesday removed the existing currency denominations of Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 to combat black money and terror-financing. The best way to eliminate black money is to get rid of the money. The Modi government's decision to demonetise Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes will curb counterfeits in circulation. It will also significantly push India towards a cashless economy.

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Trump Turbulence Ahead - Beware

Authored by GRandom on

World's first AMP Blogger

World's first AMP Blogger

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

  • Trump wants to pull the United States out of the Paris climate deal.
  • Trump wants to get rid of the Environmental Protection Agency - “What they do is a disgrace,”.
  • Trump wants to scrap the Clean Power Plan that President Obama painstakingly put in place to reduce US carbon dioxide emissions. 
  • Trump wants to repeal all federal spending on clean energy, including R&D for wind, solar, nuclear power, and electric vehicles. 
  • Trump called Global Warming a CHINESE HOAX. 
God Save us All.

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