Showing posts with label BloggerPages. Show all posts

How is Blogger supporting WebP image?

Authored by GRandom on

World's first AMP Blogger

World's first AMP Blogger

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

Images are a big part of the web and the biggest challenge is to properly optimize and deliver it. If you are a web designer, or a developer who is striving to reduce the image file size? You must know about Google's solution to this problem - WebP.

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Brand your Blog's Social Media Presence: Top 5 Tips!

Authored by GRandom on

World's first AMP Blogger

World's first AMP Blogger

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

From a blogging perspective, social media traffic is one of the most targeted traffic available. Best News - It’s FREE!!! Internet marketers and bloggers now widely employ social media marketing strategies to tap into targeted traffic streams from social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

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Blogger Conditional Tags: Make your Blog Dynamic

Authored by GRandom on

World's first AMP Blogger

World's first AMP Blogger

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

The XHTML of the Blogger blog lets us edit the Template and make it Dynamic. We have already seen the different pagetypes that blogger has and the various conditional tags that could be used with it accordingly in those pages in this post - 7 Blogger Pagetypes: The Most Used Conditional Tags.

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