AMP Social Share for Blogger - Updated (Twitter, Google, Facebook & Whatsapp)

Authored by GRandom on

World's first AMP Blogger

World's first AMP Blogger

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

Social Media & SEO

Why should you think about Social Media when designing your blog's SEO strategy? Social Media is the new SEO, an important part of a Brand’s online presence. Let me explain the how part?

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TamilNadu Reborn - The Beginning of a New Era

Authored by GRandom on

World's first AMP Blogger

World's first AMP Blogger

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

Entire Tamil Nadu has stood up today unanimously to save our cultural symbolism of the Bull. Men, Boys, Women, Girls and even Kids are all fighting for our Identity.

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Come On India! Support #JusticeforJallikattu

Authored by GRandom on

World's first AMP Blogger

World's first AMP Blogger

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

Yes! Jallikattu ban has revived Tamil Nadu's regional pride.

  • * Protests have gathered steam. 
  • * Jallikattu has assumed such a GenNext context. 
  • * All caste, creed and sub-regional barriers stand broken today. 

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Use Facebook Messenger Code: Improve Brand/Business presence

Authored by GRandom on

World's first AMP Blogger

World's first AMP Blogger

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

With the effectiveness and popularity of private media apps, it should be no surprise that most social media platforms are going all-in for private messaging, as it is an effective social media strategy to contect with users on a personal level.

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