Can Amazon Go change the Future of Retail?

Authored by GRandom on

World's first AMP Blogger

World's first AMP Blogger

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

The Future? Yes! Amazon Go store is a radically new type of grocery store: A store with no checkout counter. All you need is the Amazon Go app to enter the store and start shopping. If all goes well Self-checkout would be the next big innovation in retail environment after the credit cards.

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What is ECMO? How does it work?

Authored by GRandom on

World's first AMP Blogger

World's first AMP Blogger

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

ECMO - ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. It is a life-support machine that bypasses heart and lung operations.

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9 Tips to Get the Best out of Allo Google Assistant

Authored by GRandom on

World's first AMP Blogger

World's first AMP Blogger

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

Allo happens to be the first home of Google Assistant, an AI assistant, which is now baked into the Pixel phones. All you have to do is type “@google” in the midst of any conversation and it can help you to answer questions, make plans, share content and do more. Let's check what Allo can do..

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