Google rebrands Messenger - SMS Out ☞ RCS In

Authored by GRandom on

World's first AMP Blogger

World's first AMP Blogger

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

Google has recently signed with 27 more carriers and device manufacturers on to its list of  partners worldwide, to launch RCS, an enhanced native messaging service for Android users.

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WhatsApp Updates Status Feature - Cool Personalized 24-Hour Timeline

Authored by GRandom on

World's first AMP Blogger

World's first AMP Blogger

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

WhatsApp now lets you keep your friends updated about you in a fun and simple way. No longer is WhatsApp - a harmless message typing-sending-receiving​ app. It is totally becoming more like a brand new social network.

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Money saving Hacks: How to save money in India?

Authored by GRandom on

World's first AMP Blogger

World's first AMP Blogger

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

Alleviate your financial woes. All it requires are simple Lifestyle Changes. Basic Logic - “A Penny saved is a Penny earned”. Discover Life Hacks that can help you save lots of Money.

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How to format Affiliate Links?

Authored by GRandom on

World's first AMP Blogger

World's first AMP Blogger

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

Interested in making money online? Try Associates Platform, one of the largest affiliate marketing program online.
Simple to Use - Share good deals, events and offers on Amazon with your web site visitors.
Easy to Earn - Get paid a percentage of commission (ssssshh maximum 25%) from your sales.

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Blogger Conditional Tags: Make your Blog Dynamic

Authored by GRandom on

World's first AMP Blogger

World's first AMP Blogger

RandomTyms Breed - Random Blogger.

The XHTML of the Blogger blog lets us edit the Template and make it Dynamic. We have already seen the different pagetypes that blogger has and the various conditional tags that could be used with it accordingly in those pages in this post - 7 Blogger Pagetypes: The Most Used Conditional Tags.

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